Its location:
- It is located in the north of Saudi Arabia and follows the northern border region.
- It is inhabited by about a thousand people and is located near the King Salman Reserve.
- It was a rest stop for travelers from the Levant and the Arabian Gulf.
- Its name is a compound of Hazem for its height and Aljalamid means rocks.
Hazm Al Jalamid Phosphate Mine:
- One of the significant phosphate mines, located in the northern border area.
- An estimated 3 million tons of phosphate fertilizer materials are produced annually.
- It employs more than 300 young Saudis in a variety of positions.

Palms Land
بالمزلاند | PalmsLand هي إحدى الشركات الرائدة في إدارة الوجهات السياحية في المملكة العربية السعودية بقيادة خبرات سعوديين بهدف تقديم أفضل تجربة سفر عالية الجودة ومن خلال حزمة واحدة Palms Land Trips is one of Saudi Arabia's leading tourism destination management companies. It is established as an outcome of a project launched by a group of Saudi tourism pioneers to provide the best travel experience by combining high quality services in one package.