Its location:
- It is 254 km from the city of Taif, in western Saudi Arabia.
- It is 250 meters deep and has a 2 km diameter.
- Known locally as an Tamiyeh Quarry.
Characterized by:
- A white salt layer in the center of the crater.
- It is the largest of its kind in the Middle East.
- Doum palms, Araks and volcanic rocks.

Palms Land
بالمزلاند | PalmsLand هي إحدى الشركات الرائدة في إدارة الوجهات السياحية في المملكة العربية السعودية بقيادة خبرات سعوديين بهدف تقديم أفضل تجربة سفر عالية الجودة ومن خلال حزمة واحدة Palms Land Trips is one of Saudi Arabia's leading tourism destination management companies. It is established as an outcome of a project launched by a group of Saudi tourism pioneers to provide the best travel experience by combining high quality services in one package.